Dream a Little Dream

Conference Call

You can download the doc in PDF Conference Call here.

20:00  – 20:30   GMT

·       Kate James  - UK – Project lead
·       Karolina Swieton – Poland – School coordinator
·      Glenda Prados Gutierrez – Spain – School coordinator
·      Angels Aguilera – Spain - Directors
·      Laura Masterudima  - Spain – Infant teacher
·      Aleksandra – Spain – Language assistant

·       We talked about confirming the date for the first visit as the 29th January 2018 in Lincoln, UK. Spanish and Polish schools have yet to receive money from their National Agencies.  Polish partners are happy to go ahead and book.  Spanish partners would rather wait until this money has been received.  Glenda to phone NA and question how long this will take. Participants can then book flights.

Before this meeting, Kate will send a meeting agenda, be clear about information or work to be prepared in advance of the meeting. Also to be sent out – a list of how we will use out budgets – who will pay for what during each visit.

·         We decided on the official days for each visit would be Tuesday – Thursday (3 days in school being sufficient and fulfilling the contract) Monday and Friday to be travel days.

·         Discussed accommodation for the first visit – Karolina will ask Damian (Poland) which hotel he preferred so that we can make bookings as soon as the date is confirmed.

·         Kate mentioned the work that the children in BJA (Branston Junior Academy) have completed so far and said that this would be shared with the group as soon as possible.

·         Logo competition  - winning logo will be chosen from each school within the next two weeks.  We will then put this together to make project logo containing the three winning designs.  Polish partners to make the logo?

·         Continued promotion of the project was discussed.  Badges, bookmarks, banners. Once the project logo is finalized and designed we can move to design these; hence the need to develop this logo as soon as we can.
·         Blog – Kate mentioned that Damian has designed a blog to document everything project-related.   We discussed having a tab on here for children to contribute to and explained that this would be well managed and comments would need to be approved.

·         eTwinning – Karolina requested that all information was also put on to eTwinning Twinspace so that the kindergarten, who also want to be involved, could do so in an official capacity.  Spanish and UK partners agreed. Kate mentioned finding eTwinning difficult to use and suggested the possibility of working with an eTwinning ambassador during the UK meeting to support us in this.

Agreed actions:

winning design of logo to be shared
by Friday 24th November
Kate, Karolina, Glenda

project logo to be designed.
By end of November?

Glenda to chase up National Agency as to when funding will be received.
as soon as possible

Flights and accommodation to be booked for UK visit
as soon as funding is received

Glenda to keep Kate informed
Kate to explore the possibility of eTwinning support from an ambassador during the UK visit

before UK visit
Kate to write meeting agenda and outline of budget use before meeting 1 (UK)
as soon as possible but before Dec 15th

